Quote – James Allen

The birds are molting. If only man could molt his mind and heart once a year. – James Allen

House For Sale - Site

House For Sale – WebSite

This site was created to help a client sell their home themselves without the use of an agent to do so, and yes it did work the house was on the market for less then a month before being sold, over asking price.

Quote – Mahatma Gandhi

Monotony is the law of nature. Look at the monotonous manner in which the sun rises. The monotony of necessary occupations is exhilarating and life-giving. – Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

eMail Signature

eMail Signature Design

This was something that was created to show a client how they could improve their personal email signature that they where using when sending out professional style email to other potential and current clients.

Maintain a Project List

We all know that to keep things fresh and new and up to date we need to keep our work ever on the move and thus we end up with lists upon lists of ideas of what we think we need to do and what we really wish to do – they get ever longer […]

Why Designers Should Learn How to Code

This is still something that is hot out there in the design world, now as much as it has been in the past it is still a topic that some debate and other’s accept as part of their role as a graphic designer or as a web designer. Its not uncommon for a new client […]

G2G Poker Poster

Poker Poster

A client was needing an ad for his business to promote it within Magazines and other printed material, the above is the image that was delivered in CYMK format.

Quote – Johann Goethe

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.” – Johann Goethe (1749-1832)

The Freelance Handbook – Review

I go though the web on a daily basis looking for inspiration and just following links that catch our attention one such link was found though twitter posted by Creative Blog that they where offering a free download of the Computer Arts published PDF called “The Freelance Handbook” which sounded like a interesting idea to […]